Thursday, August 7, 2014

23 for my 24.


This is so nuts blogettes.  I honestly feel like I am still 'excited it's a new year,' and here we are, over halfway done with it! I must say though, this past year, since my last birthday, has been one amazing journey.  My life seems to get crazier, more exciting, and filled with more adventure each year. Some days I think that there has to be a point in life when you just...plateau...but I'm thinking that's never for me.  And I like it that way.  Life is meant to be celebrated, glittery, and filled with a whole lot of love, adventure, and donuts. 

As I reflect on my 23rd year of life, here are 23 awesome things that happened in just 12 months.  I'm thinking my 24th year is going to be even better (ummmm, hellooooo. I'm getting married.)

23 for my 24 (and my attempt to put them in chronological order...ish):
  1. Helped Karyn move to Denver...and then back again...I also visited her in Colorado 4 or so times? Working from home is awesome that way.
  2. Karyn (my sister), my mom, and my Grandma went to NYC! It was my Grandmas first time there, and she kept saying the cutest thing: "The buildings are so tall here!" Keep in mind, she's way less than 5 feet tall ;)
  3. Enrolled in a calligraphy class, and started practicing a skill that I have always dreamed about. No day but today, people.
  4. Cruised the Caribbean with my fam jam for a week
  5. Launched the Be Loved Movement, in order to do my part to end human trafficking and slavery, something that my heart is so passionate about.
  6. Had my first big feature on Green Wedding Shoes...and basically peed my pants when I found out.
  7. Ate approximately 1,487 donuts...or more...who is counting anyways?
  8. Pulled off a huge surprise...and flew to New Jersey to suprise my East Coast Main Squeeze.  If you were me and knew how hard it is to surprise him, you'd put this in your 23 exciting things too.
  9. After a year of being in South Korea, and chatting only via texting and skype, my BFF Liz came home!! :)
  10. Started blogging my 'Less is More Series.'
  11. I hired my very first intern, and it was amazing.  Katie was the cutest thing, and she worked hard to make dreams come true for me and my biz. 
  12. Worked on about 9 or so styled shoots throughout the year...and to think that my goal last year was to work on 2. LIFE. 
  13. Filed my first business owner taxes, and felt like I was wearing my 'I'm official' big girl pants.
  14. Was featured on Bags & Bows, and talked about why love is so important as a business owner.
  15. Made a new friend at Caribou (as in...she creepily came up to me and asked to be my friend, and I responded with an overenthusiastic 'yes!').  Now we are planning business adventures together.  Life is good and weird in that way.
  16. Had pre-engagement engagement pics done....pinky promise that I didn't know we would be getting engaged only a few weeks later. I PROMISE...
  17. ...GOT ENGAGED TO MY NEW JERSEY BOY! This also included traveling all around Italy...
  18. Officially started the wedding planning process: picked a venue, dress, photographer, etc...also, I asked my ladies to be my bridesmaids. 
  19. Our engagement story was featured on How He Asked, and Brent officially made the internet world swoon with gooeyness. 
  20. My BFF Liz and I roadtripped around the South, and it was amazing. Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri...they didn't know what they were getting themselves into.
  21. My second huge feature was with Wedding Chicks! Again, the excitement levels were REALLY high around here...
  22. Dunkin Donuts opened in Eau Claire, and my heart (and booty) grew 2 sizes larger
  23. My work is featured in the Fall/Winter issue of Wisconsin Bride Magazine! Page 16 folks.  Head to your nearest convenience store to pick one of these babies up! Those shiny pages are beautiful!